Schmutterer, H. 2000 Bemerkungen über in Deutschland erstmalig nachgewiesene und einige weitere, wenig bekannte Schildlausarten (Coccina). [Observations on scale insects found for the first time in Germany and found on some poorly known species (Coccina)].. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 44: 165-170.

Notes: During the early fifties of the 20th century and in recent years (1998-2000) 19 species of scale insects were collected in Germany, which were not recorded in this country before. Most of them were pseudococcids, some eriococcids and coccids. The list of German scale insects comprises now about 131 species. Four species had to be deleted from the list. It is expected that further scale insect species new to the German fauna will be found in future, mainly pseudococcids. Some species may immigrate from neighboring countries in western Europe, especially if the greenhouse effect will result in an increase of the average temperature.