Sartiami, D., Adisuseno, W.S., Rachmatika, N., Anwar, R., & Watson, G.W. 2022 Coccidohystrix insolita (Green) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) from Indonesia and its Note on the Thre Solanaceous Plants. Serangga 27(3): 162-171


  • distribution
  • host
  • Notes: The presence of eggplant mealybug, Coccidohystrix insolita (Green) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) from Indonesia and it infested host plants have been reported in this paper. It was collected in 2017 on cassava, Manihot utilissima in Central Java; additional samples were collected on Turkey berry, Solanum torvum in East and West Java in 2020, and in Aceh (Sumatra) in 2021. In a rearing experiment, the survivorship of C. insolita on three host plant species, Solanum melongena (eggplant), Solanum lycopersicon (tomato), and Capsicum annuum (chilli) was tested; based on the non-parametric Dunn’s test at a 5% level, the mealybug thrives best on Solanum melongena.