Saminathan, V.R., & Jayaraj, S. 2001 Evaluation of botanical pesticides against the mealybug, Ferrisia virgata Cockrell (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) on cotton.. Madras Agricultural Journal 88(7-9): 535-537.

Notes: Two experiments were conducted to evaluate botanical pesticides (Jatropha, Ipomoea and Vitex leaf extracts (at 10% each), neem (Azadirachta indica) oil, pungam (Pongamia glabra [P. pinnata]) oil, madhuca (Madhuca indica [M. longifolia]) oil (at 0.3 or 3.0% each) and 30% dimethoate) against F. virgata. The leaf dip method was used in both experiments and pest mortality was recorded at 24, 48 and 72 h after treatment. In experiment 1, at 24 h, the mortality was negligible, although at 48 h, it was 0-16.67%. Treatment with 3% neem oil recorded the highest mortality (43.33%). Neem recorded a 50% mortality at 72 h, which was statistically at par with pungam and madhuca oils. Dimethoate recorded a 63.33% mortality at 48 h, which increased to 66.67% at 72 h. Generally, non-edible oils were more effective (36.67-50.00%) when compared to leaf extracts (26.67-33.33%). In experiment 2, all the botanical pesticides were at par in their effectiveness at 24 h. At 48 h, fortified (0.3%) neem oil recorded a maximum mortality of 49.3%, which was at par with fortified pungam and 3% neem and 3% madhuca oils. Fortified formulations of non-edible oils were more effective than unformulated (3%) oils at 72 h. At 72 h, fortified neem oil recorded a 63.6% mortality, which was at par with that recorded by 3% neem oil (54%).