Riom, J., & Gerbinot, B. 1977 Étude biologique et écologique de la cochenille du Pin maritime Matsucoccus feytaudi, Ducasse, 1942 (Coccoidea, Margarodidae, Xylococcinae) dans le Sud-Est de la France. I. Biologie et phenologie générale.. Annales de Zoologie - Ecologie Animale 9: 11-50.

Notes: Title in English: [Biological and ecological study of the maritime pine scale Matsucoccus feytaudi Ducasse, 1942 (Coccoidea, Margarodidae, Xylococcinae) in south-eastern France. I. - General biology and phenology.] Matsucoccus feytaudi Ducasse, which is the agent primarily responsible for the decline of maritime pines (Pinus pinaster) in south-eastern France, is endemic throughout the greater part of the area where this pine occurs in Europe and Africa. Its distribution and food-plant specificity are discussed. It was found that the scale insect can develop on all the provenances of P. pinaster, but cannot complete its life-cycle on P. sylvestris, P. halepensis, P. pinea or P. nigra. The life-cycle of M. feytaudi, which reproduces sexually and has one generation a year, was studied in 1966-74 at a dozen sites in the Maures-Esterel region of south-eastern France.In general, the dates when 50% of the population reached a given stage varied more between sites in a given year than between different years at a given site. The nymphs hatched in April-May over a period of 30-35 days at a given site; there was a difference of 15-20 days between sites concerning the date on which the 50% level was reached, butthe average date was 28-30 April. Development to the second instar occurred in September; the average 50% level being reached about 25 September. Pronymphs (males) occurred from December, the variation between sites ranging from 40 to 50 days, and the average 50% level being reached about 10 January. Adult males and females emerged in February-March with variations of 30-40 days between sites, the average 50% level being reached about 2 March. The most consistent date was that of 50% male emergence. The phenology at a given site varied with the mesoclimate and also the microclimate related to the forest density; this in turn was related to modifications resulting from attack by M. feytaudi.