Rinehart, S.A., Schroeter, S.C., & Long, J.D. 2017 Density‐mediated indirect effects from active predators and narrow habitat domain prey. Ecology doi.org/10.1002/ecy.1956


  • ecology
  • natural enemies
  • Notes: Contrary to theory, nonlethal ladybeetles did not induce trait‐mediated indirect interactions [TMIIs].. However, lethal ladybeetles increased cordgrass total and root dry biomass by 36% and 44%, respectively, suggesting the presence of strong density‐mediated indirect interactions [DMIIs]. Additionally, both lethal and nonlethal ladybeetles reduced scale insect population density. Our findings suggest that DMIIs, rather than TMIIs, can result from interactions between active broad habitat domain range predators and narrow habitat domain range prey.