Ramírez-Cruz, A., & Llanderal-Cázares, C. 2013 Fecundidad potencial de Dactylopius coccus (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae) bajo condiciones de invernadero [Potential fecundity of Dactylopius coccus (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae) under greenhouse conditions]. Revista Colombiana de Entomología 39(1): 170-173


  • reproduction
  • Notes: Potential fecundity (PF), in the case of insects, is the total number of oocytes (or ovarioles) present in the ovaries before oviposition. Dactylopius coccus, from which the natural dye carminic acid is obtained, is highly important for industry processes. The large loss of potential nymphs remaining in the ovaries at the end of oviposition makes it necessary to adjust rearing conditions to minimize losses.