Moreno, D.S., Carman, G.E., Fargerlund, J., & Shaw, J.G. 1974 Flight and dispersal of the adult male yellow scale.. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 67: 15-20.

Notes: Adult male yellow scale, Aondidiella citrina (Coquillet), observed in the laboratory, had a maximum lifespan of 18 h under continuous light. In the field, more males were collected on baited traps with mature virgin yellow scale when the traps were 24 m above ground on citrus trees. Maximum male flight activity occurred during the crepuscular hours, when light intensity was less than 5 lux. Males were collected in the field at temperatures ranging from 11.1 to 20.0 degrees C; also, in the laboratory, males were inhibited from flying but not immobilized at 10 degrees C. As temperatures were increased from 15.6 to 43.3 degrees C, the number of males in flight increased. Virgin yellow scale females reared in the laboratory attracted native yellow scale males in the field. Marked yellow scale males released in a grove of mature navel orange trees were capable of flying at least 96 m upwind and 128 m downwind, in response to traps baited with attractive females.