Montilla, R., & Ramos, F. 2016 Insectos entomófagos asociados a Saissetia sp. (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha) sobre Eranthemum sp. (Acanthaceae) en Venezuela. Entomotropica 31(17): 137-145


  • biological control
  • host
  • Notes: Sections of plant samples of Eranthemum sp. L. highly infested with Saissetia coffeae, were placed in breeding chambers for the emergence of biological controllers. Eleven kinds of entomophagous insects were obtained, which were identified as: Azia orbigera orbigera (Coccinellidae); Coccobius sp., Coccophagus scutellaris, Coccophagus ceroplastae (Aphelinidae); Metaphycus sp. (Encyrtidae); Aprostocetus spp. (Eulophidae); Scutellista sp. (Pteromalidae); Chartocerus sp. and Signiphora sp. (Signiphoridae). It is noteworthy, that some species of Aprostocetus were found parasitising A. orbigera. larvae. The species of Aphelinidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae and Pteromalidae mentioned are new insights into the parasitic insect fauna of this pest in Venezuela.