Mohyuddin, A.I., & Mahmood, R. 1993 Integrated control of mango pests in Pakistan.. Acta Horticulturae 341: 467-483.

Notes: [Fourth International Mango Symposium, ISHS (International Society for Horticultural Science), Schaffer, B., Ed., Miami, Florida, July 5-11, 1992]. Among the serious pests of mango In Pakistan are scale insects, (Aspidiotus destructor, Lindingaspis ferrisi, Aulacaspis tubercularis, Parlatoria crypta, Coccus hesperidum, C. mangiferae and Pulvinaria psidii) and mealybug (Drosicha stebbingi). Prior to the development of the programme described here pesticides (BHC and DDT) were used for the mango mealybug. Scale insects became serious pests following the use of pesticides for fruitfly control, because their natural enemies were eliminated. When fruitflies were controlled by mass trapping of males with methyl eugenol baited traps, not only was fruitflies infestation brought to sub-economic levels, but also scale insects were kept under effective control by their natural enemies. Control of mango mealybug was achieved by hoeing or ploughing the soil to a depth of 15 cm, three times, between June and December, to destroy diapausing eggs. Additional control was achieved by providing burlap bands on the trees to shelter congregating adults of the predator Sumnius renardi.