Mesbah, H.A., Moursi Khadiga, S., Mourad, A.K., Zakzouk, E.A., & Abdel-Fattah, R.S. 2012 Ecological studies on the common white mealybug, Icerya seychellarum seychellarum (Hemiptera : Monophlebidae) associated with Dodonia viscosa in Alexandria, Egypt.. Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences 5(3): 27-31
Notes: The data showed that the common white mealybug Icerya seychellarum seychellarum (West.) (Hemiptera : Monophlebidae) infests Dodonia viscose Jacq in Montazah garden during two successive years (2005-2006 and 2006-2007). The results showed that the weak significant positive relationship between daily mean temperature, relative humidity and dew point and estimated population density of I. seychellarum seychellarum individuals. But on the other hand this relationship was significantly negative with wind speed