Medina-Litardo, R., Navia-Pesantes, O., Muñoz-López, C., Zambrano-Bosquez, P., Vera-Oyague, M., & Pérez-Almeida, I. 2024 PRIMER REGISTRO DE Puto barberi (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Putoidae) EN PLANTAS DE Ixora coccinea (L.) EN ECUADOR [First report of Puto barberi (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Putoidae) in the ornamental Ixora coccinea (L.) in Ecuador]. Bioagro


  • distribution
  • host
  • illustration
  • record
  • Notes: We present the first registration of Puto barberi (Hemiptera: Putoidae) associated with the ornamental species Ixora coccinea L. in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. The symptoms of the attack are characterized by yellowing, necrosis and loss of the plant leaves.

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