Matile-Ferrero, D., Williams, D.J., & Kaydan, M.B. 2015 The mealybug Trionymus angustifrons Hall transferred to Dysmicoccus Ferris with new synonymy (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Coccomorpha, Pseudococcidae). Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France 120(3): 309-312


  • description
  • taxonomy
  • Notes: The mealybug Trionymus angustifrons Hall, 1926, is transferred to the genus Dysmicoccus Ferris, 1950, as a new combination, Dysmicoccus angustifrons (Hall, 1926), n. comb. The original names Pseudococcus multivorus Kiritchenko, 1936, and P. lanatus Balachowsky, 1932, are treated as new junior synonyms of Dysmicoccus angustifrons (Hall, 1926), a species belonging to a group with reduced numbers of cerarii and with two sizes of oral collar tubular ducts on the dorsum and venter. Lectotypes are designated for Trionymus angustifrons and Pseudococcus lanatus. Spain and mainland Greece are new locality records for the species.