Matile-Ferrero, D., & Couturier, G. 1993 Les cochenilles des Myrtaceae en Amazonie peruvienne. I. Description de deux nouveaux ravageurs de Myrciaria dubia (Homoptera, Coccidae et Kerriidae).. Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France 98(5): 441-448.

Notes: Title in English: [Mealybugs of Myrtaceae in the Peruvian Amazon. I. Description of two new pests of Myrciaria dubia (Homoptera, Coccidae and Kerriidae).] Abstract: Descriptions and illustrations of Ceroplastes flosculoides and Austrotachardiella sexcordata, two pests of Myrciaria dubia; Austrotachardiella trilobata, new comb., is transferred fom Tachardiella.