Martin, N.A., Workman, P.J., & O' Callaghan, M. 1999 Efficacy of insecticides for longtailed mealybug control.. Proceedings of the 52nd New Zealand Plant Protection Conference 22-24.

Notes: [Conference held in Auckland Airport Centra, Auckland, New Zealand in 1999.] Five insecticides viz. acephate (780 mg/litre), imidacloprid (50, 100 or 150 mg/litre) and three experimental organic insecticides (YR55, 1.2 g/litre; YR65, 1 ml/litre; and YR70, 3.6 g/litre) as well as water control were applied three times (7-12 days apart) to pot plants of Asplenium bulbiferum (hen and chicken fern) infested with longtailed mealybugs (Pseudococcus longispinus). After three applications, water-treated plants had 82% of fronds infested and a mean of 37 mealybugs on the youngest infested frond. The industry standard insecticide, acephate, reduced mealybug populations to zero, while YR65 and imidacloprid reduced the infestation to 1-4% fronds infested and mean of 0.5-2.5 mealybugs on the youngest infested frond. In these treatments, only old fronds were infested. YR55 and YR70 gave poor control and young fronds were infested.