Lotfalizadeh, H. 2000b The first record of predaceus bug, Geocoris quercicola Linnavuori (Hem.: Lygaeidae) in Iran.. Journal of Entomological Society of Iran 19(1/2): 103-104.

Notes: In a 1998 survey in Shiraz, Fars province, Iran, on the cypress tree mealybug Planococcus cupressicola, a predaceous Geocoris was collected on cypress trees (Cupressus sempervirens var. fastigiata). This predator was identified as Geocoris (Piocoris) quercicola by Dr. R. Linnavuori and further confirmed by Mr. Pericart, a specialist of Lygaeidae in France. According to the available literature, this species is new for Iranian fauna. The species was previously recorded from Palestine and north of Iraq. It lives on Quercus spp., but in this study, this predator was collected on cypress tree for the first time. This predator was collected as well on phytophagous Miridae family on cypress trees i.e. Dichrooscytus persicus, Alloeomimus kurdus, Campylomma diversicornis, Tuponia (Chlorotuponia) sp., and identified by Dr. Le-yi Zheng, Department of Biology-Nankai University-Tianjin China. It may be distinguished from other species by the following criteria: colouring is whitish yellow; a puncture row bordering calluses, consisting of 25-28 punctures; the distance between punctures on the disk usually conspicuously longer than the diameter of a puncture; and scutellum with small basal callosities.