Lin, X.L. 2002 Study on physical-chemical characteristics and selection for utilization model of Acacia auriculiformis plantation.. Scientia Silvae Sinicae 38(5): 121-127.

Notes: The growth volume of Acacia auriculiformis in forest stands of the same age, its chemical composition and the utilization of its pertinent regions were studied. A. auriculiformis was the perfect host of lac insects. The yield of tree stick lac from coppice stand was higher than that from seeding stand. The net increase production of tree stick lac (Kerria lacca) was 1.42 kg. The chemical composition of wood was almost the same and that of the bark differ slightly when the trees were stocked by lac insects. The tannin of the bark reached 9.97-11.40% (>8%). The product quality and the properties of tannins from this bark were better than the first degree of GB2619-81. The artificial forest of A. auriculiformis yielded the best economic benefits when the following process was followed: (1) stocking the 3-year-old coppice stands of lac insects; (2) cutting the trees after collecting the tree stick lac and debarking the trunk and branch; and (3) using the debarked trunk and branch as a culture medium for domestic fungus and the bark for producing tannins.