Krishnamoorthy, A., & Rajagopal, D. 1998 Effect of insecticides on the California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) and its natural enemies.. Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems 4(2): 83-88.

Notes: A number of insecticides was evaluated against Aonidiella aurantii in a citrus orchard in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. The effect of insecticides on the activity of two natural enemies, Aphytis melinus and Chilocorus nigrita, under field conditions was also assessed. Monocrotophos (0.08%), dimethoate (0.07%), chlorpyrifos (0.10%) and neem oil (2%) when applied once, gave only initial control of the scale. The population increased after 14 days of treatment. However, when applied twice at 14-day intervals, the scale was kept under control. All treatments were significantly superior to the control. Application of concentrated monocrotophos (36%) and dimethoate (35%) @ 10 ml/tree as a band on the tree trunk resulted in excellent control of the scale and other insect pests for 6-8 months. A delayed but severe phytotoxic effect was observed. All insecticides except neem oil were highly toxic to the natural enemies. Levels of chlorpyrifos were safe to natural enemies after 7 days of treatment.