Kozhechkin, O.A. 1984 [Biological principles for mass-rearing of the hemispherical scale]. Zashchita rastenii. Moscow (1): 42.

Notes: The effects of various conditions on the biological characteristics of the hemispherical scale (Saissetia coffeae) were studied in the laboratory in the USSR with the aim of improving rearing techniques for this insect, which is one of the most suitable laboratory hosts for mass-rearing the parasite Scutellista ?cyanea Motsch. The developmental cycle of Saissetia coffeae reared on sprouting potato tubers was completed in 131 days at 17.5øC and 64 days at 25øC. The upper and lower threshold temperatures for development were 30 and 11-12øC, respectively. The most favourable humidity was 90% RH. No differences were observed between the 2 photoperiods tested (LD 20:4 and LD 10:14). The optimum rearing density was 90-120 individuals/sprout, which yielded around 80 females; each female laid an average of around 400 eggs, which were sufficient to colonise a further 3-4 sprouts.