Kozár, F., Szita, É., Fetykó, K., Neidert, D., & Konczné Benedicty, Z. 2013 PAJZSTETŰ (HEMIPTERA: COCCOIDEA) FAJOK A MAGYARORSZÁGI AUTÓPÁLYÁKON [Species of Hemiptera: Coccoidea on Hungarian highways]. Pajzstetvek, sztrádák, klíma [Scales, roads, climate]. MTA ATK Növényvédelmi Intézet Budapest, Hungary 78-175


  • climate change
  • distribution
  • list of species
  • Notes: [The highway serves as an ecological corridor for various organisms, including the so-called for "hitchhiking insects", which are dealt with by a relatively new branch of science, road ecology (Kozár 2009, Nagy and Kozár 2010). This guide is intended as a starting point for long-term entomological and other investigations to provide the current places recommended for examination.]