Koteja, J. 1987c Current state of coccid paleontology.. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria 'Filippo Silvestri' 43 (1986 Suppl.): 29-34.


  • fossil
  • Notes: Journal title continues: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium of Scale Insect Studies. Portici (Naples), Italy: June 24-28, 1986. Summary/abstract in: Italian. Abstract: 16 papers reviewed; 240 scale insect fossils known; most are Baltic amber inclusions (77%); 50% Matsucoccids; 15% Pseudococcids; 8% Eriococcids; rest Ortheziids, Margarodids, Coccids, Diaspidids & unplaced; 9 scale spp. mentioned. Keywords: paleontology; fossils.