Kondo, T., & Williams, M.L. 2005a On the identity of the genus Akermes Cockerell, 1902: a study of the first-instar nymph of A. bruneri Cockerell (Hemiptera: Coccidae).. Proceedings of the X International Symposium on Scale Insect Studies, held at Plant Protection Research Institute, Adana/ Turkey, 19-23 April 2004. Adana Zirai Muscadele Arastirma Enstitusu. Adana, Turkey. 408 pp.

Notes: ABSTRACT: The objective of the present study was to clarify the identity of Akermes bruneri Cockerell, 1902, the type species of the genus Akermes Cockerell. Only first-instar nymphs from the type material remain, however, their unique morphology differentiates them from other Akermes species first-instars. When they were compared to non-type first-instar nymphs from Argentina, labelled as A. bruneri, and deposited in the United States National Museum, no differences were seen in the first-instar nymphs of the type and non-type material suggesting that they are conspecific. The first-instar nymph of A. bruneri is described and illustrated. Our results confirm that the adult female described by De Lotto (1968), Granara de Will ink (1999) and Hodgson (J,994) is A. bruneri.