Kondo, T., & Gómez, L.D. 2008 La perla de tierra, Eurhizococcus colombianus Jakubski, una nueva plaga de la vid, Vitis labrusca L. en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia.. Novedades Tecnicas, Revista Regional. Corpoica, Centro de Investigacion Palmira. Año 9 No. 10: 34-40

Notes: Title in English: [The ground pearl, Eurhizococcus colombianus Jakubski, a new pest of grapevines, Vitis labrusca L. in Valle del Cauca, Colombia.] Abstract: Eurhizococcus colombianus Jakubski, is reported as a new pest of grapevines, Vitis labrusca L. in Valle del Cauca, Colombia. The morphology of the insect is compared with E. brasiliensis (Wille), a species known as an important pest of grapevines in Brazil, and the only other species included in the genus Eurhizococcus Silvestri. Brief notes on the biology and morphology of E. colombianus are given, and the induction of an insect gall by a ground pearl is for the first time reported. A key to separate the two known species of Eurhizococcus is provided. This is the first record of this species on grapevines.