Konan, K.J.F., Minhibo, Y.M., N'depo, O.R., Hala, N., Coulibaly, A., & Yeo, K.Z. 2024 Actualisation de la repartition de la cochenille farineuse du manguier et ses ennemis naturels dans les regions du Poro et Tchologo (Nord, Cote d’Ivoire) [Update on the distribution of the mango mealybug and its natural enemies in the Poro and Tchologo regions (North, Ivory Coast)]. International Journal of Advanced Research http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/19307


  • distribution
  • natural enemies
  • Notes: The aim of this study was to identify areas of infestation by mango mealybugs and draw up a distribution map of the different species identified. A survey was carried out in the study areas, to observe the presence or absence of mealybugs. Sixty (60) orchards were visited in the Poro and Tchologo regions. Ten (10) mango trees per orchard were randomly selected and twenty (20) infested leaves were collected per tree to identify the different species present. Mango leaves containing mealybug “mummies” were incubated to identify emerging parasitoids. Three species of scale insect were encountered: Rastrococcus invadens, Icerya aegyptiaca and Pseudococcus vibuni.

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