Köhler, G. 2013 Lokale Aggregation der Skythischen Napfschildlaus, Scythia craniumequinum Kiritchenko, 1938 (Coccina: Coccidae), im thüringischen Kyffhäuser1. Thüringer Faunistische Abhandlungen 17: 75-82

Notes: Mid-August 2012 on the Ochsenburg/Southwest-Kyffhauser (Thuringia) an aggregation of the soft scale Scythia craniumequinum Kiritchenko was detected on the host plant Stipa capillata. This location in Germany is a zoogeographically remarkable exclave far away from the Southeastern main area of this rare steppe species. The aggregation consisted on adult females (with egg-sacs), female-puparia (empty), a few crawlers and second instar larvae. It is characterized by population structure and phenological status (in the wild) as well as by parasitization and sizes of egg sacs (after rearing in the laboratory).