Kaydan, M.B., & Kilinçer, N. 2008 Population dynamics of Phenacoccus aceris Signoret (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in Ankara, Turkey.. Proceedings of the XI International Symposium on Scale Insect Studies, Oeiras, Portugal, 24-27 September 2007. ISA Press Lisbon, Portugal 322 pp.

Notes: The seasonal population development of Phenacoccus aceris Signoret (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) was studied on Fraxinus excelsior in Ankara between the middle of November, 2001, and late November, 2003. Infested trees from three different areas of urban Ankara were marked. The samples were taken weekly between February and December, and biweekly between December and February. Three different sampling methods were used because of the biology of the maple scale: i) leaf samples were collected from end of May to middle of November, ii) branch and steam samples from middle of November to middle of February, and iii) one year old twig samples from middle of February to end of the May. The scale has one generation per year. It was found that maple scale overwintered as a third-instar nymph or pupa in the bark and other hidden places on the plant. At the end of February and in early March, the nymphs started to move to the one year old twigs. The female started egg laying in the middle of April in both years. Hatching started at the beginning of the June and first-instars nymphs settled on the leaf and remained there until the end of September. After this period, the nymphs moved to the bark to overwinter. The population was effected by natural enemies and by environmental conditions throughout the year.