Karar, H., Arif, M.J., Sayyed, H.A., Saeed, S., Abbas, G., & Gogi, M.D. 2008b Reductions in yield of mango trees due to the attack of mango mealybug (Drosicha mangiferae) on different varieties of mango (Mangiferae indica).. Proceedings of the XI International Symposium on Scale Insect Studies, Oeiras, Portugal, 24-27 September 2007. ISA Press Lisbon, Portugal

Notes: The mango mealybug, Drosicha mangiferae (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae), is becoming increasingly important on fruit crops and a major threat to the mango crop in the major mango districts of Punjab, Pakistan. It attacks not only fruit crops but also destroys costly ornamental plants. However, the most severe damage is to the mango crop. Heavily infested trees may bear no fruit at all or, fruit are produced, almost 100% of the fruit drop before reaching to maturity. In addition, the wood is also of inferior quality. Different varieties of mango vary in their responce to infection by this insect. Among these varieties, "Chounsa", which is a popular variety with growers and is liked both nationally and internationally, is badly effected affected and shed most of its fruits.