Jones, M.T. 1997 An update on activities in Trinidad and Tobago with respect to the regional action programme for control of the hibiscus (pink) mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) in the Caribbean.. Proceedings of the First Seminar on the Hibiscus Mealybug. Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources Centeno (Trinidad and Tobago)

Notes: [Conference: 1. Seminar on the Hibiscus Mealybug. Farmers' Training Centre, Centeno (Trinidad and Tobago). 12 Apr 1996.] The close proximity of Caribbean territories coupled with historic informal trade relationships, place every country at the risk of introduction and further re-introduction of the Hibiscus mealybug as long as the insect is present in any one country. Containment, eradication and management activities along with environmental and socio-economic issues therefore need to be addressed beyond national programmes. A regional action programme for control of this pest has been developed and the government of Trinidad and Tobago is committed to its support and execution.