Iperti, G., & Brun, J. 1969 Role d'une quarantaine pour la multiplication des Coccinellidae coccidiphages destines a combattre la cochenille du Palmier-Dattier (Parlatoria blanchard Targ.) en Adrar mauritanien.. Entomophaga 14(2): 149-157.

Notes: Title in English: [Role of quarantine for the propagation of coccid-attacking Coccinellidae for the control of the date-palm scale Parlatoria blanchardi in the Adrar region of Mauritania.] The basic function of a quarantine laboratory is to provide facilities for the setting of a bio-ecological intervention in "Republique Islamique de Mauritanie" to control Parlatoria blanchardi Targ., palm-trees scale. The purposes of the quarantine are to receive foreign predators of this scale to rear entomophagous insects and to send living adults from Antibes to Atar. This paper discusses methods for rearing the four species of Coccinellidae: Chilocorus bipustulatus, C. distigma, C. stigma and Pharoscymnus ovoides and their hosts Chrysomphalus ficus, Pseudaulacaspis pentagona and Quadraspidiotus perniciosus.