Huffaker, C.B. 1977 Augmentation of natural enemies in the People's Republic of China.. Biological Control by Augmentation of Natural Enemies: Insect and Mite Control with Parasites and Predators. Plenum Press New York 480 pp.

Notes: [Proceedings of a symposium held at the Fifteenth International Congress of Entomology, Washington, D.C., August 19-27, 1976, and other selected papers.] One example discussed, Tachardia lacca, is cultured on forest trees of Dalbergia balaneae and other Papilionaceae in Kwangtung Province. Infestations of appropriate densities are manually initiated on the branches of selected trees. It was said the noctuid, E. amabilis, eats the lac and probably feeds directly on the lac insect itself. If a density of 100 Eublemma per m of "stick" occurs at an early nymphal stage of the lac insect, there is a complete loss of the crop, but if attack is delayed to a more mature stage, yield and quality are affected without loss of the entire crop. Chemical control is too expensive and otherwise impracticable for use in this rough terrain.