Hernández Mansilla, A.A., Rosón Álvarez, C, Daquinta Rico, C., & Trujillo Morgado, R. 2005 Evaluación in vitro de la patogenicidad de Aschersonia aleyrodids Webber sobre algunos insectos plaga de interés económico. [In vitro evaluation of Aschersonia aleyrodids Webber pathogenicity on some pest insects with economic importance.]. Fitosanidad 9(4): 29-34.

Notes: A study was conducted in Cuba to investigate the pathogenicity of Aschersonia aleyrodids on Myzus persicae, Aphis gossypii, Toxoptera aurantii and Pseudococcus nipae. Test insects were collected from tomato, citrus and guava. These insects were inoculated with fungal suspensions of 1.4x10 SUP 9 spores/ml. M. persicae and Aphis gossypii showed the highest mortality (80 and 82-84%, respectively). The mortality of P. nipae and T. aurantii reached 40 and 7%, respectively.