Hekal, A.M., & Sakr, H.E. 2001 Aphytis holoxanthus DeBach, a new recorded parasitoid of the black scale insect, Chrysomphalus ficus Ashm. in Egypt.. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control 11(1/2): 51-66.

Notes: The ectoparasitoid, Aphytis holoxanthus as well as the endoparasitoids, Aspidiotiphagus citrinus, A. lounsburyi and Habrolepis pascuorum attack the black scale insect, Chrysomphalus ficus (=the Florida red scale, C. aonidum) on citrus in Egypt. A. holoxanthus is considered a new recorded parasitoid which is thoroughly recognized based on adult morphology, pupal pigmentation, meconial pellet, biological information, host specificity and utilization in biological control. Identification of this species has been later confirmed as A. holoxanthus by the International Institute of Entomology, London, UK.