Haji, F.N.P., Lima, M.P.L., Alencar, J.A. de, Barbosa, F.R., Ferreira, R.C.F., & Mattos, M.A. de A. 2004 [Earth pearl scale: emerging pest of grape culture, in the environment of São Francisco valley.] Cochonilha-perola-da-terra: praga emergente na cultura da uva, no submedio do vale do São Francisco.. Circular Tecnica da Embrapa Semi-Arido 78: 5 pp.

Notes: The emergence of Eurhizococcus brasiliensis as a pest of grapes in São Francisco valley, Brazil, is described. The occurrence of this pest is restricted to Brazil. Dissemination occurs by various methods, but mainly on seedlings of fruits and ornamental plants. Notes are given on taxonomy, morphology and biology. The symptoms are described. Various annual plant species are attacked by E. brasiliensis and 63 of these are listed. Due to the subterranean habit and development as a cyst, this pest does not respond to conventional control methods. Control methods include not planting in infested areas, using healthy seedlings or rootstocks, turning over of soil, deep application of lime, not planting alternative host plants between rows, and weed control. The use of systemic insecticides has resulted in 60-70% control. Control has also been achieved with vamidothion, imidacloprid and thiamethoxan. Heat treatment of seedlings can be used for preventative control. The use of resistant or tolerant varieties is one of the most promising control methods.