Goux, L. 1991 [Remarques sur l'importance de certains caractères morphologiques fondamentaux de Eriococcus (Homoptera, Coccoidea) avec description de cinq espèces nouvelles (51ieme note sur les coccides de France).]. Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Provence 42: 45-55.

Notes: Title in English: Remarks on the importance of certain basic morphological characters of Eriococcus (Homoptera, Coccoidea), with descriptions of five new species (51st note on the coccids of France). Discussion of coxal spinnerets, spinoids, and the pleural border as morphological characters of the coccid genus Eriococcus is discussed, and the relevance of these features for systematics, the theory of emergence, and scientific philosophy is examined. The new species are the following: Eriococcus tavignani sp. nov. from Corsica; E. arboisi sp. nov. from Aix-en-Provence; E. veyrensis sp. nov. from Marseille; and E. artiguesi sp. nov. and E. chaoticus sp. nov., both from Artigues. For each species, holotypes (adult females) and larvae are described, affinities are indicated, and habitat is noted.