Golan, K., & Jaƛkiewicz, B. 2002 [Noxiousness and control of the juniper mealy bug, Planococcus vovae.] Szkodliwosc i zwalczanie maczystka jalowcowego.. Ochrona Roslin 46(6): 11-12.

Notes: Uses of the common juniper, Juniperus communis, as an ornamental plant, herbal medicine and a source of spicy berries, are listed. In Poland, it has three main pests: Carulaspis juniperi, Insulaspis juniperi [Lepidosaphes juniperi] and Planococcus vovae - the last being the only representative of the mealybugs, Pseudococcidae. The mealybug can also attack other conifers, e. g. Chamaecyparis, Cupressocyparis, Cupressus, Libocedrus and Thuja. The life cycle of the bug is described and a number of suitable insecticides for its control is recommended, e. g. Actellic [pirimiphos-methyl] 500 EC, Ultracid [methidathion] 40 EC and others.