Geraud-Pouey, F., Chirinos, D.T., Aguirre, R., Bravo, Y., & Quintero, J.A. 2001 EvaluaciĆ³n de Metaphycus sp. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) como agente de control natural de Capulinia sp. cercana a jaboticabae von Ihering (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae).. Entomotropica 16(3): 165-171.

Notes: Title in English: [Evaluation of Metaphycus sp. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) as agent of natural control of Capulinia sp. near of jaboticabae von Ihering (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae).] In Venezuela, Capulinia sp. has become the most destructive pest on guava (Psidium guajava) since its appearance in 1993. By early 1996, parasitism of Capulinia sp. by Metaphycus sp. was detected. To evaluate such parasitism, an assay was conducted under field conditions in Mara County, State of Zulia, Venezuela, during March-May 1999. The following treatments were evaluated: T1, guava branches completely exposed; T2, branches closed into organza cages; and T3, branches into organza cages impregnated with insecticide. The populations of Capulinia sp. were counted and the percentage of parasitism was estimated. T1 gave the highest rate of parasitism (100%, P < 0.05) and the lowest Capulinia sp. population mean (12.70 individuals). On the other hand, resulted in the highest levels of Capulinia sp. (200.5 individuals) and gave a parasitism rate of 39.66%. Thus, Metaphycus sp. was considered as an important biological control agent of Capulinia sp. populations during this period.