Francis, A.W., Kairo, M.T.K., Roda, A.L., Liburd, O.E., & Polar, P. 2012 The passionvine mealybug, Planococcus minor (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), and its natural enemies in the cocoa agroecosystem in Trinidad. Biological Control


  • distribution
  • host
  • natural enemies
  • survey
  • Notes: The study set out to: (1) assess the occurrence and pest status of P. minor in Trinidad, including its distribution on the island, its host plant range, and its levels of infestation on host plants in different habitats; and (2) determine what, if any, natural enemies were attacking the mealybug, including their identity, relative abundance and occurrence in different habitats, and potential for use in biological control. In order to realize objective 2, it was also essential to develop a reliable method for the survey of natural enemies, especially given the potential co-occurrence of mealybug species that were difficult to distinguish morphologically.