Foldi, I. 1989e Note sur l'identité de Margarodes soria Foldi, 1987 (Homoptera, Coccoidea, Margarodidae). [Note on the identity of Margarodes soria Foldi, 1987 (Homoptera, Coccoidea, Margarodidae).]. Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie 6(3): 320.

Notes: Insects collected near the roots of grape vines in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, during 1985, formed the basis for the description of Margarodes soriai. Specimens of Eurhizococcus brasiliensis were collected from the roots at the same time. This species has been considered to be parthenogenetic for 67 years. Histological examination of the specimens of M. soriai revealed the constant presence of 2 male gonads. Rearing experiments, using living material collected from the original site, confirmed that M. soriai is the pronymphal stage of males of E. brasiliensis. These taxa are considered to be synonymous.