Anonymous, N/A, & Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation., 2002b Diagnostic protocols for regulated pests. Protocoles de diagnostic pour les organismes réglementés. Bulletin OEPP 32: 293-298.

Notes: [In English and French] Parasaissetia nigra is a plant sap-sucking scale insect in famiy Coccidae (superfamily Coccoidea). It is polyphagous, feeding on plants of 95 families, and is a moderate pest of ornamentals and a minor pest of several agricultural crops. This report reviews the identity (synonymy, taxonomic position), description, key with specific characteristics, illustration, comparisons with Parasaissetia nairobica, P. litorea, P. ficicola, P. tsaratananae, Saissetia coffeae and S. oleae. Instructions are given for the preparation of permanent microscope slides.