EFSA Panel, P.L.H. 2019 Pest categorisation of non-EU Margarodidae. EFSA Journal 17(4):5672


  • control
  • distribution
  • host
  • Notes: The Panel on Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of species in the family Margarodidae (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha; Coccoidea). Of 107 species of Margarodidae, 97 are not known to occur in the EU. Non-EU Margarodidae species were categorised into three groups. The first group includes 11 species reported as pests of crop plants that satisfy all of the criteria that are within the remit of EFSA to assess, to be regarded as Union quarantine pests. The second group includes 10 species that are not reported to cause economic damage to plants although they do feed on plants that are grown in the EU. The third group includes 76 species that appear restricted to climate and soil types that do not occur in the EU