Dunkelblum, E., Gries, R., Gries, G., Mori, K., & Mendel, Z. 1995 Chirality of Israeli pine bast scale, Matsucoccus josephi (Homoptera: Matsucoccidae) sex pheromone.. Journal of Chemical Ecology 21: 849-858.

Notes: Report of the determination of the chirality of the M. josephi pheromone by GC and GC-EAD analyses of natural and synthetic pheromones on a chiral column and by field bioassays of synthetic pheromone stereoisomers. Quadraspidiotus perniciosus is the only known female scale sex pheromone that is not a chiral compound. Mastucoccus matsumurae and M. feytaudi pheromone have very similar structures with two chiral centers. The lack of inhibition by other stereoisomers that was found in M. josephi has also been reported for M. feytaudi, Aonidiella aurantii and Pseudaulacaspis pentagona.