Danzig, E.M. 2009 Mealybugs of the genus Dysmicoccus Ferris (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) of the fauna of Russia and adjacent countries.. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenye 88(2): 386-390

Notes: A key to six species of the genus Dysmicoccus from the former USSR is given, provided with comprehensive information on the nomenclature, morphology, and taxonomy of the widely variable D. walkeri. The following new synonymies are established: D. walkeri Newstead (= D. kazanskyi Borchs., syn. n.; = glandularis Baz., syn. n.; = badachshanicus Nurm., syn. n.; = innermongolicus Tang in Tang and Li, syn. n.). Lectotype of D. kazanskyi is designated. Dysmicoccus multivorus (Kir.) is considered in the revision of the genus Trionymus Berg (Danzig, 1997), the rest species are discussed in the monograph of the Far Eastern fauna (Danzig, 1980). English translation published in: Entomological Review 89 (8), 923-926. Original Russian Text: E.M. Danzig, 2009, published in Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 2009, Vol. Internet link: