Curkovic, T.S., & Cataldo, L. 2005 Control de Pseudococcus longispinus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) con imidacloprid aplicado al follaje o al tronco en naranjos en Chile.. Boletin de Sanidad Vegetal, Plagas 31: 609-615.

Notes: [Control of Pseudococcus longispinus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) using imidacloprid applied to the foliage or to the trunk of orange trees in Chile.] A new imidacloprid formulation (Confidor Forte 200) was tested for efficiency in controlling P. longispinus infesting 5-year-old oranges in Chile. Treatments included spraying on foliage with a hand gun sprayer at 80, 100 and 120 ml/hl, or on the trunk (80 cm above the soil) at 9 and 12 ml/hl, in January, approximately 5 months prior to June harvest. Chlorpyrifos (Lorsban 4E) was applied to foliage for comparison (100 ml/hl). Combination treatment with imidacloprid at 100 ml/hl (applied 60 days prior to harvest) and chlorpyrifos applied at 100 ml/hl in January was done. The number of live individuals were counted in aggregation traps and in fruits before application of insecticides, and periodically until harvest. Imidacloprid application on foliage was as effective as chlorpyrifos and the combination of the 2 insecticides. All insecticide treatment on foliage controlled the pest but none of these prevented fruit infestation at harvest. Applications were not effective for controlling the pest apparently due to reduced absorption and/or translocation of imidacloprid to the fruits.