Clancy, D.W., Selhime, A.G., & Muma, M.H. 1963 Establishment of Aphytis holoxanthus as a parasite of Florida red scale in Florida.. Journal of Economic Entomology 56(5): 603-605.

Notes: In the fall of 1960, Aphytis holoxanthus, a parasite of Chrysomphalus aonidum in Hong Kong and Israel, was introduced into eight orange groves in central Florida. The parasite soon became established and in one year had dispersed to most of the citrus-growing areas of the state. Rapid establishment, increase, and natural spread indicate that this parasite is well adapted to Florida conditions and may become an important factor in the biological control of Florida red scale. The parasite has also been recovered from C. aonidum on plant hosts other than citrus.