Ciampolini, M., & Lunghini, D. 1977 Precisazioni sulla difesa dell'olivo dalla Saissetia oleae. [Details for the control of scale (Saissetia oleae) on olive.]. Informatore Agrario 33(24): 26876-26883.

Notes: A review and discussion. Carbaryl (50%) application at 0.2-0.25% is recommended in the first half of July and again in the second half of September to control severe Saissetia infestation and the sooty mould (fungal complex with Capnodium and Cladosporium spp.) encouraged by the scales. A single application in the second half of September is sufficient for less severe infestations. Insecticides for scale control applied at the end of winter are not fully effective and may be phytotoxic. Saissetia control in September can be combined with a Cu fungicide for the control of leaf spot (Cycloconium oleaginum).