Chen, Y.Q., Wang, S., Lu, Z., & Zhang, W. 2017 Ant community dynamics in lac insect agroecosystems: conservation benefits of a facultative association between ants and lac insects. Tropical Ecology 58(2): 283–293


  • ant association
  • ecology
  • Notes: This study investigated the effects of an ant-lac insect facultative association on ant community dynamics in a guild of ants attending Kerria yunnanensis (Hermiptera: Kerriidae) on its host plant Dalbergia obtusifolia in Yunnan Province, China. This was done by manipulating the access of ants to K. yunnanensis and the numbers of K. yunnanensis available. Regardless of the proportion of lac insect infestation (the ratio of the branch length infested by lac insects to the total branch length), there were more ant species and individuals under the ant-lac insect facultative association, and ant community composition was significantly different from that without this association.