Chafaa, S., Biche, M., Chenchouni, H., Segre, L., & Sibachir, A. 2013 Cycle biologique de Parlatoria oleae (Hemiptera : Diaspididae) inféodée aux oliveraies dans une région aride. Canadian Entomologist 145:398-405

Notes: This study was conducted in an olive orchard Olea europaea (Linnaeus) (Oleaceae), in the semi arid region of Ain Touta (Batna, Northeast Algeria) between January 2009 and December 2010. Monitoring the phenology and dynamics of different developmental stages of the olive parlatoria scale Parlatoria oleae (Colvée) (Hemiptera : Diaspididae), using regular counts, showed that the species has a spring and a fall generation. Egg laying was later and more spreadout than in other regions of the world. Average egg mass size varied from 10.0571.96 to 10.4771.15 eggs per female for the first generation and from 9.971.69 to 9.1672.05 eggs per female for the second generation. These values are small compared to averages recorded elsewhere. Analysis of variance revealed a significant variation in number of individuals between months of the survey for all development stages but only within the second larval stage and adult females between years. This would be related to the wintering phenomenon, observed for the second larval stage and adult females. Between generations, variation in numbers is significant among pro-nymphs and nymphs and in adult males.