Çelik, O., Semerci, A., Sanli, B., Belindir, B., & Gedik, O. 2002 Ankara cevresinde Anadolu karacamlarinda (Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. pallasiana Lamb. Holmboe) gorulen kurumalarin nedenleri. [Withering of the Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. pallasiana Lamb. Holmboe) in the Ankara region].. Orman Muhendisligi 39(5): 7-15.

Notes: Factors responsible for dieback in plantations of Pinus nigra pallasiana in the Ankara region of Turkey were investigated. Soil and needle analyses showed no adverse factors to account for the dieback. The trees were examined for pests and diseases. The scale insect Leucaspis pini was present but, together with fungal and bacterial diseases, was not considered to cause significant damage. A climatic survey of the area for the years 1991-2001 suggested instead that the dieback was due to a prolonged drought in the region, which received a less than average rainfall between the years 1995 and 1998.