Celestino, R.C.A., Sarmento Gadelha, R.S. de, Vieira, A., & De Sarmento Gadelha, R.S. 1991 Diferentes entre os sintomas do ataque de cochonilha e da deficiencia de cobre em plantas de abacaxi. [Differences between the symptoms of pineapple mealybug attack and copper deficiency in pineapple plants.]. Comunicado Técnicos, Empresa Pesquisa Agropecuário. Estado do Rio De Janeiro 209: 1-2.

Notes: Observations were made in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on pineapples growing in fields where the soil contained <5 p.p.m. copper and plants were attacked by Dysmicoccus brevipes. A fungicide (25 g/300 plants) containing 30-35% copper was applied and observations were carried out 15 days later. Symptoms of attack by D. brevipes on pineapples and of copper deficiency in the same crop plant are tabulated. Effects on whole plants, young and old leaves, cuttings and fruits are described.