Camporese, P., & Pellizzari, G. 1998 Osservazioni sul ciclo biologico di Ceroplastes japonicus in ambiente urbano. [Observations on the biology of Ceroplastes japonicus in the urban environment].. Informatore Fitopatologia 48: 11, 42-50.

Notes: Notes are given on the geographic distribution, biology, food plants and natural enemies of C. japonicus in its native area (China, Korea and Japan) and in Italy. The biology and phenology of C. japonicus was studied on different host plants at a road junction in Padova, Italy, in 1990-91. The coccid was found on the following tree species: Acer saccharinum, A. pseudoplatanus, Liquidambar styraciflua, Salix babylonica, Ilex aquifolium, Hedera helix var. Gloire de Marengo and Ulmus minor. The results showed that the host plant has little influence on the phenology of C. japonicus but can affect the fecundity of the females and the migration from the leaves to twigs. The pest had one generation a year, overwintering in the adult female stage. Preliminary trials on the biological control of C. japonicus using the coccinellid Chilocorus kuwanae were conducted in 1994. In cages, the coccinellid successfully controlled the coccid on Euonymus japonicus, which is only lightly infested by the pest in Italy. However, on laurel (Laurus nobilis), which is among the most frequently and heavily infested tree species, control was unsuccessful because the host plant was repellent to the predator.