CAB International, 1980a Ceroplastes sinensis Del G.. Distribution Maps of Pests, Series A, Agricultural Map no. 412: 2 pp.

Notes: Published in the U.K. by the International Institute of Entomology, an agency of CAB International. A new distribution map is provided for Ceroplastes sinensis Del G. (Hemipt., Coccoidea) (Chinese Wax Scale). Host Plants: Citrus, figs (Ficus), grape, pear. Information is given on the geographical distribution in EUROPE (excl. USSR), Corsica, France, Italy, Portugal, Sardinia, Sicily, Spain, ASIA (excl. USSR), China, Iran, Lebanon, Philippines, Turkey, USSR, AFRICA, Algeria, Benin, Egypt, Ivory Coast, Madeira, Morocco, Mozambique, Togo, Tunisia, AUSTRALASIA, Australia, New Zealand, WEST INDIES, Bermuda, Jamaica, SOUTH AMERICA, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, and Uruguay.